Published date
24 May, 2023
The purpose of the evaluation is to check whether Member States had decided to introduce and implement a framework for transparency in the spending of RRF funds. We are interested in two ways of spending public funds: through public procurement and on the basis of grants/calls for proposals.
The methodology consists of two main parts:
- What information is published – this section focuses on the content of the information and what exactly is being released to the public.
- How information is published – this section focuses on the format and accessibility of RRF spending information, such as whether the information is all published on a central portal and whether it is in open data format (e.g. csv., xml., xlsx.).
- See and use the tool
For more information on the methodology, please contact:
The tool is a part of the "ARBAC-19: Adaptive, Risk-Based Approaches to Anti-Corruption in Covid-19 Responses" initiative implemented by TI Lithuania.